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Abschied von einem Visionär, Partner, Freund

Nachruf Stefan Abele

Corporate Communications Manager
Mit grosser Trauer nehmen wir Abschied von Stefan Abele, unserem COO und Verwaltungsratsmitglied. Nach einem mutigen Kampf gegen den Krebs ist er von uns gegangen. Seine Vision, sein Engagement und seine Menschlichkeit hinterlassen in unserem Unternehmen Spuren, die weit über sein Wirken hinausreichen.
Ben Richters, Cyrill Hugi und Stefan Abele am enespa-Sommerfest 2024.
Ben Richters, Cyrill Hugi und Stefan Abele (v.l.n.r.) am enespa-Sommerfest 2024.
Ben Richters, Cyrill Hugi und Stefan Abele am enespa-Sommerfest 2024.
Ben Richters, Cyrill Hugi und Stefan Abele (v.l.n.r.) am enespa-Sommerfest 2024.
Stefan Abele und Cyrill Hugi betrachten die Anlage enespa WastX Plastic P5.
Stefan Abele und Cyrill Hugi betrachten die Anlage enespa WastX Plastic P5.
Portraitbild Daria Baur
Portraitbild Daria Baur
Corporate Communications Manager
After gaining a master's degree in Communication and Media Research from the University of Fribourg, Daria acquired valuable experience in agency work, in university marketing and, most recently, in communications for an international NGO. These diverse roles have provided her with extensive insight into both strategic and operational communication processes. At enespa, she contributes her expertise as Project Manager Corporate Communication, ensuring that messages are conveyed clearly and effectively.

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The road to a circular economy for plastics is a long one. However, we are not travelling this path alone, but together with you. Celebrate with us when we come one step closer to our goal.

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The road to a circular economy for plastics is a long one. However, we are not travelling this path alone, but together with you. Celebrate with us when we come one step closer to our goal.

* Unsubscribing from the newsletter is possible at any time.