Circular economy
Sustainable economy

9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
We develop innovations in our own research laboratory that enable a sustainable circular economy. We also support you in setting up your environmentally-friendly and resilient infrastructure. The wording of the UN goal.

12 Responsible consumption and production
With our pyrolysis/thermolysis systems, we ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. We return waste materials such as mixed plastic, old tyres and waste oil to the use cycle through reduction, recycling and reuse. The wording of the UN goal.

13 Climate action
We are taking immediate action to combat climate change: the greenhouse gas balance of our thermolysis/pyrolysis process is better than incinerating waste to generate heat. The wording of the UN goal.

14 Life below water

6 Clean water
Through our chemical recycling process, we offer the opportunity to make economical use of mixed plastic waste. In this way, we incentivise the removal of plastic from bodies of water before it becomes microplastic. We increase the willingness to recycle plastic, tyres and waste oil. The wording of the UN goal.
The UN goals are also incorporated into our work. As a company, we have to take responsibility.
Plastic cycle
Chemical recycling closes the gap between mechanical recycling processes and energy recovery. This is the only way to recover contaminated or mixed plastic waste that is too valuable to dispose of. However, circular value creation is only possible if the circle is closed. This - and not technical feasibility - is our greatest challenge.
plastic cycle
Chemical recycling
Plastic waste
Plastic use
Plastics manufacturing industry
Are you ready to take your place in the plastic cycle? There are a large number of people who still perceive plastic in nature as a "small evil". To close the circle, everyone needs to join in.
Facts and figures
The benefits of a circular economy are considerable and those who decide to do so can benefit from competitive advantages. This is confirmed by several current studies. Products and services that do not appear to be suitable for the circular economy are cited as the biggest hurdle.
This also applied, for example, to contaminated or mixed plastics, tyres and waste oil. We have now reached the point where chemical recycling of these materials is financially and sustainably worthwhile. This facilitates the transition from the environmentally-harmful linear economy to sustainable, circular value creation.
This is the growth of the market for the circular economy, material and resource efficiency in the last 5 years. This means it is growing faster than the global market as a whole. Source: Bafu
are employed in the sectors relevant to the circular economy in the EU. And the trend is rising. The economic model is attractive to professionals. Source: Bafu
This was the value of goods and merchandise sold via circular economy in Germany. Source: IFAT
This was the gross value added generated by companies in Germany for the collection and transport of waste and street cleaning in 2022 Source: IFAT
Concrete benefits
Switching to a circular economy can be worthwhile for you as a small or medium-sized company. If you proactively commit to the sustainability goals of Agenda 2030 , you will gain market and competitive advantages.
You are geared towards the opportunities and requirements of the future. Recognise business opportunities and possible risks ahead of the competition. With this broader view, you can tap into new market areas or further develop your offering.
Employer attractiveness
It becomes easier for you to find skilled labour and talent, because young people in particular pay attention to whether their company generates added value for society.
Risk management
By focussing on the entire value chain, you automatically create a stable ecosystem with all participants. This cooperation creates reliability and provides security.
Do you know the saying from the field of public relations? Do good and talk about it. Your endeavours capture the spirit of the times. This increases the value of your services and products.