Have you ever considered turning your waste disposal costs into a source of income? Let us help you determine whether your waste can be profitably redirected back into the circular economy.
Business segments
in the circular economy
Oil refinement
Chemical recycling
Plant engineering
research laboratory
Tyre pyrolysis
This analytical technique is used to characterise hydrocarbons in pyrolysis oils. By coupling gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS), we are able to identify the individual components. Besides offering precise information about your pyrolysis product, this also enables us to assess its behaviour in industrial applications. Our hands-on experience is a key factor in this. A wealth of knowledge that we are happy to share with you.
We suggest conducting a detailed hydrocarbon analysis, if it makes sense for your project. You will receive a detailed quote outlining all the specifications and expected costs prior to implementation.
This method allows us to simulate fractional distillation. Since SimDis is much faster and more efficient than traditional distillation, we can quickly determine the distribution of fractions based on their true boiling point. All we need for this is a small amount of sample material.
We suggest conducting simulated distillation, if it is beneficial for your project. You will receive a detailed quote outlining all the specifications and expected costs prior to implementation.
This analytical method couples the separation capability of gas chromatography (GC) with mass spectrometry (MS).
We suggest conducting this analysis, if it makes sense for your project. You will receive a detailed quote outlining all the specifications and expected costs prior to implementation.
We utilise this method to perform an elemental analysis of your test substance in the shortest possible time. Without damaging the sample, we are able to identify nearly all chemical elements in the periodic table
We suggest conducting an X-ray fluorescence analysis, if it makes sense for your project. You will receive a detailed quote outlining all the specifications and expected costs prior to implementation.
Determining density
to DIN EN ISO 12185: 2022-11
Unit: kg m−3
Determining kinematic viscosity
to DIN EN ISO 3104: 2021-01
Unit: mm2 s−1
Determining density per DMA 35 Ex Petrol
to ASTM D7777
Unit: kg m−3
Determining flash point
> 30 °C to DIN EN ISO 2719: 2021-06
< 30 °C to DIN EN ISO 13736: 2022-12
Unit: °C
Determining copper corrosion (per copper strip test)
to DIN EN ISO 2160: 1999-04
Special: EN ISO 6251: 1998-08
Unit: Class
Determining CFPP
to DIN EN 116: 2018-04
Unit: °C
Determining pour point
to DIN EN ISO 3016: 2019-09
Unit: °C
Determining cloud point
to DIN EN ISO 3015: 2019-09
Unit: °C
Determining distillation characteristics
to DIN EN ISO 3405: 2019-09
Unit: °C, % v/v
Determining water content (dissolved)
to DIN EN ISO 12937: 2000
Unit: %
Determining TAN (total acid number)
to ASTM D664 – 04
Unit: mg KOH/g
Determining TBN (total base number)
to DIN 51639-1: 2014-11
Unit: mg KOH/g
Determining oxidation stability
to DIN EN 16091: 2022-12
Unit: min
Determining sulphur content per X-ray fluorescence analysis
to DIN EN ISO 14596: 2007-12
Unit: ppm
Determining elements content (Cl, Si, P, Al, Mg, Pb Ca, K etc.) per X-ray fluorescence analysis
to DIN 51399-2: 2010-01
Unit: pp
Conducting simulated distillation (SimDis)
to ASTM D6352, DIN EN 15199: 2021
Unit: °C, % v/v
Creating detailed hydrocarbon analysis (DHA)
to ASTM D6730 – 01
Unit: °C, % v/v uvm.
Determining sulphur compounds (SCD)
to DIN EN ISO 19739: 2009-08
Unit: ppm
Conducting refinery gas analysis (RGA)
to DIN EN 15984: 2022-04
Unit: mol%
Conducting gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
We use our own in-house method tailored to your project.
Wherever you are, we are here to answer your questions about chemical recycling. We guide you through every step of the way with our expertise as pioneers in this field.
We will help you determine on the smallest scale whether chemical recycling through pyrolysis is worthwhile for you. To do so, we take a representative sample of your waste material and analyse its exact composition in our laboratory.
If you are already certain about pursuing this route, we can assist you in conducting (table top) laboratory pyrolysis. The condensate and residual material are then analysed.
For promising materials, we can process up to one tonne of feed material to test pyrolysis on a real production scale for you. Our pilot plant is available for this purpose.
Our test laboratory is in the process of obtaining accreditation (DAkkS). Traceability of the measurement results to both national and international standards is already ensured. We can additionally help you with our practical expertise in the field of pyrolysis and oil refinement. This provides you with everything you need to move forward.
Dr. Albert Paparo führt uns durch das Forschungslabor und erklärt die verschiedenen Gerätschaften.
Aktien können wir aufgrund der rechtlichen Bestimmungen nur an Personen, mit einem Wohnsitz in der Schweiz oder Liechtenstein verkaufen.
Due to legal regulations, we can only sell bonds to persons domiciled in Switzerland, Germany, Austria or Liechtenstein.
The road to a circular economy for plastics is a long one. However, we are not travelling this path alone, but together with you. Celebrate with us when we come one step closer to our goal.
The road to a circular economy for plastics is a long one. However, we are not travelling this path alone, but together with you. Celebrate with us when we come one step closer to our goal.