We have many more pictures for you if you can't find what you're looking for. Or you can visit us and see for yourself how we produce a high-quality oil from plastic waste or slag. An oil from which all types of plastic can be produced and which can be traded on the world market.
Mixed plastic waste is granulated to a specific particle size and transported by conveyor belt to the pyrolysis plant.
The material is continuously fed from the buffer box into the plasticiser of the pyrolysis system via screw systems.
The material is melted in the plasticiser. The material enters the reactor system through the extruder.
In the reactor system specially developed by enespa, the liquid plastics are continuously heated and thermally decomposed. The material passes into the gas phase.
The gas phase is collected and fed into the condensation system at around 400 °C, where products with different properties are obtained. Finished products are stored, analysed and can then be sold.
The electrical control cabinets for the pyrolysis systems are manufactured by enespa itself.
Professionals work on the system components in the assembly hall in Tangstedt.
The pyrolysis systems are made up of individual modules.
Everything has to be perfectly coordinated for the complex assembly work.
The precise interaction of the individual system components is crucial.
It's often the little things that can make a big difference. In our laboratory, Dr Albert Paparo, who holds a doctorate in natural sciences, works with just such small things: molecules.
In the small circle of plastic waste recyclers that use pyrolysis to produce oil from mixed plastic, enespa is currently the only company that operates its own research department with a high-tech laboratory.
Product oil in a laboratory test
Testing a product oil
Cyrill Hugi, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Ben Richters, Chief Technology Officer, Member of the Board of Directors
* All images may be used for editorial purposes only. In the event of reporting, we would be grateful if you could send a link, the recording or a specimen copy to media@enespa.com.
In our production halls, you can follow the individual process steps as plastic is turned back into its original form: "crude" oil. Or you can take a look over the shoulder of Dr Albert Paparo in the high-tech laboratory. Wherever you want to film, I will open closed doors and arrange the right interview partner for you.
We are revolutionising waste management. There is still a lot to be done in plastic recycling. We have the solution to turn waste into a valuable raw material.
Plastic-to-oil means converting mixed plastic waste into a sought-after product oil. We present our pyrolysis plant enespa WastX Plastic P5.
A pyrolysis plant goes on a journey. Sturdy packaging and a strong film cover protect the plant during the several weeks of transport by lorry and ship. The destination is Australia.
Get to know AdBlueⓇ production at our site in Bernsdorf. Michael Richter, the site manager, will guide you through the process and explain the details.
* All videos may be used for editorial purposes only. In the event of reporting, we would be grateful if you would send a link, the recording or a specimen copy to media@enespa.com.
When things need to be done quickly, we're the right people for the job. We can put you in touch with hard-to-reach specialists for issues relating to the recycling of plastics, tyres and waste oil. We also specialise in green technologies, the circular economy and the development of new markets. Give me a call and you'll get what you need, straight from the horse's mouth.
Aktien können wir aufgrund der rechtlichen Bestimmungen nur an Personen, mit einem Wohnsitz in der Schweiz oder Liechtenstein verkaufen.
Due to legal regulations, we can only sell bonds to persons domiciled in Switzerland, Germany, Austria or Liechtenstein.
The road to a circular economy for plastics is a long one. However, we are not travelling this path alone, but together with you. Celebrate with us when we come one step closer to our goal.
The road to a circular economy for plastics is a long one. However, we are not travelling this path alone, but together with you. Celebrate with us when we come one step closer to our goal.