Privacy policy

Contact addresses

Javier Santos
Schäfligasse 1
CH-9050 Appenzell

Data protection representation in the European Economic Area (EEA)

Javier Santos
Bäckerbarg 4-7
D-22889 Tangstedt

Terms and legal bases
Legal basis
Type, scope and purpose of the processing of personal data
Disclosure of personal data
Data security

Personal data abroad

Rights of data subjects

Data protection claims
Legal protection

Use of the website

Tracking pixel

Notifications and messages

Success and reach measurement
Consent and objection
Service provider for notifications and messages
Social media

Third party services

Digital infrastructure
Automation and integration of apps and services
Audio and video conferences
Online collaboration
Card material
Digital audio and video content
Extensions for the website

Success and reach measurement

Final provisions

Subscribe to our media newsletter

The road to a circular economy for plastics is a long one. However, we are not travelling this path alone, but together with you. Celebrate with us when we come one step closer to our goal.

* Unsubscribing from the newsletter is possible at any time.

Subscribe to newsletter

The road to a circular economy for plastics is a long one. However, we are not travelling this path alone, but together with you. Celebrate with us when we come one step closer to our goal.

* Unsubscribing from the newsletter is possible at any time.