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enespa as part of an Innosuisse study

Theory and Practice Combined

Specialist Corporate Communication

How can the economic, social and environmental aspects of plastic-to-oil recycling be demonstrated? How can they be made quantifiable? These and many other questions have been intriguing us in recent years. Luckily, we had the good fortune of meeting Professor Joachim Vogt in 2022. He had been asking himself the same questions – and the idea for an Innosuisse study was born.

Recognised by Innosuisse

Insights into the base data

Eine Grafik zeigt, dass die jährliche Plastikproduktion in den letzten 30 Jahren um 283% zugenommen hat.
Over the last 30 years, the volume of annual plastic production has increased by 283%. If this trend were to continue, plastic production would triple by 2060.
Eine Grafik zeigt ein Zukunfts-Szenario: Im Jahr 2040 könnten fast 80% der jährlichen Verschmutzung durch Plastikabfall verhindert werden, dank des Ausbaus der heute vorhandenen Recycling-Technologien.
By 2040, almost 80% of annual plastic waste could be prevented by expanding existing mechanical and chemical recycling technologies.

The search for quantifiable measures

Evaluation of projects

The 10 quantifiable measures (KPIs)

1. Amount of recycled plastic

2. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

3. Energy consumption

4. Life cycle analysis

5. Waste management efficiency

6. Water consumption

7. Type of recycled plastic

8. Conservation of resources

9. Impacts on biodiversity

10. Environmental pollution control

Calculation example for the index score


Standardisation of the KPI


Normalised values


Weighted score


Index Score

Specialist Corporate Communication
Contact Media Relations
Armed with a degree in Organisational Communication and Journalism, Dominik Dörig gained valuable experience working at an agency. He brought his experience in marketing, public relations and event management into the SME sector. After a decade working as a communications manager and management assistant, he joined the Marcom team at enespa in Appenzell in the autumn of 2023.
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