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A system's collapse – a new opportunity

Plastoil: Our Partner Down Under

Chief Technology Officer

Learning lessons from failure

Win-win partnership

We were certain that there is an expanding market for chemical recycling in Australia.

Von unserem australischen Geschäftspartner Plastoil durften wir den Gründer Paul Wilton und Managing Director Arj Wimalasuriya in Tangstedt empfangen.
Plastoil founder Paul Wilton and managing director Arj Wimalasuriya in Tangstedt, Germany.

First enespa WastX pyrolysis system in Australia

High goals, driven by conviction

Play Video about Von unserem australischen Geschäftspartner Plastoil durften wir den Gründer Paul Wilton und Managing Director Arj Wimalasuriya in Tangstedt empfangen.
Watch the video of us welcoming Paul Wilton and Arj Wimalasuriya of our Australian business partner Plastoil to Tangstedt, Germany.
Play Video about Von unserem australischen Geschäftspartner Plastoil durften wir den Gründer Paul Wilton und Managing Director Arj Wimalasuriya in Tangstedt empfangen.
Watch the video of us welcoming
the founder, Paul Wilton, and the managing director, Arj Wimalasuriya, of our Australian business partner to Tangstedt, Germany.
Portrait of Ben Richters
Portrait of Ben Richters
Chief Technology Officer
Member of the Board of Directors
After completing his technical training and gaining initial professional experience in the automotive sector, Ben Richters transitioned into mechanical engineering. As a graduate engineer, he shifted his focus to plant engineering, particularly in the field of petrochemical industry. In 2015, he became an entrepreneur in the green tech circular economy industry. He joined enespa in mid-2022 as the developer of the enespa pyrolysis plant prototype. Outside of work, he finds balance in timber construction. He loves spending time with his family at the harbour in Hamburg.
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The road to a circular economy for plastics is a long one. However, we are not travelling this path alone, but together with you. Celebrate with us when we come one step closer to our goal.

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